Moji and Courtney been together for six years and are expecting their first child! I feel blessed to photograph this special time in their lives.
Before their Maui photo session I asked a little about them and responded with telling me about how much they love to travel together and they normally travel to locations based on what we can fill their "tummies with". And honestly, I think thats the best way to travel!
These lovely woman are from California and are two hardworking boss-@ss females. They both love to laugh and explore new places and Maui was the perfect place to capture their pregnancy and this new and beautiful adventure in their lives.
Some of the below images I was experimenting with overlays and textures that I made recently.

If you are looking for a Maui Photographer, I am your girl! Feel free to contact me at or follow me on social media @colleens.captures
Haku by @hakumaui